Polar Parkas: Protecting Your Backflow from The Elements
Posted by Emilie Zahurones on
With the cold months drawing near, we will be switching gears ever so slightly to discuss different aspects of Winterization of your Irrigation System. One such aspect is protecting your backflow from freezing during cold weather. If an unexpected freeze occurs and you have not winterized your backflow, you could have costly repairs on your hands. But why would a frozen backflow need repair? And what do can be done to prevent freezing? These are the questions we are going to answer today.

What happens when a backflow freezes?
Since backflows are always installed above ground, adding the natural elements builds additional concern for its long-term condition.
Backflows are a combination of copper, brass, and plastics. As a result, UV light and cold weather can both take a toll on your backflow. Whereas UV light can make the outside components brittle over time, freezing can have an immediate effect on the inside.
Simple physics tell us when water freezes, it expands. The guts of a backflow contain smaller plastic and rubber bits that are always enveloped in water. So, when the water around these pieces freeze, it causes the water to expand. This causes cracks, fractures and full-on breaks within the smaller, more delicate parts of a backflow. These breaks and cracks within the backflow can cause trickling leaks all the way to gushing breaks. Without repair, such breaks also stop the device from doing its main job, preventing backflow.
The best way to avert all of these issues, including those done by UV light, is to cover and insulate your backflow. Que in Polar Parkas.

What is a polar parka?
A polar parka is essentially an insulated bag that goes over your backflow, blocking out harmful UV light and protecting it from freezing temperatures.
A high-quality polar parka is insulated with compressed fiberglass, and covered with a water proof vinyl fabric to reflect off UV light, and prevent mildew or mold from forming.
When it comes to picking out the best brand, this is one of the rare times when I would suggest getting a more expensive version. In this instance, a cheaper price equates to cheaper quality. While it is true, some protection is better than no protection, buying a polar parka for less will often mean paying more later. However, regardless of the direction you take, try not to just throw a blanket over it, and call it good (Yes, I have seen this…).
Living in an area that experiences four distinct seasons, means preparing your irrigation system for all weather, especially the unexpected cold fronts. Protecting your backflow assembly year-round from those sudden cold snaps means saving yourself the unexpected repair costs. So remember, when it comes to your backflow it is better to be prepared with a polar parka, then deal with the unexpected.